All posts tagged 'pixies'

Statsioxide: our first 250 reviews in numbers

Statsioxide: our first 250 reviews in numbers

After six long, resolutely joyless years we passed another album review milestone. To celebrate here’s a look at some sweet, sweet data.
The Great Dismal // Nothing

The Great Dismal // Nothing

Unabashedly grim, but reassuringly gentle. The album's striking cover art of a menacing but fragile old man is a good indicator of what to expect.
The Moon & Antarctica // Modest Mouse

The Moon & Antarctica // Modest Mouse

Provided you're in the right mood, The Moon & Antarctica is one of the standout indie rock releases of the 2000s.
The Sophtware Slump // Grandaddy

The Sophtware Slump // Grandaddy

Despite extended musical passages and eccentric lyrics, The Sophtware Slump is remarkably accessible. It's pop music for art students.
Daydream Nation // Sonic Youth

Daydream Nation // Sonic Youth

Noisy and arty, the album remains a kind of anti-epic; 70 minutes of exploratory rock with a flagrant disregard for pacing or commercial viability.
Doolittle // Pixies

Doolittle // Pixies

Doolittle balances boisterous oddness with sweet and sugary pop tunes, making it not only Pixies' most intriguing record, but also the most accessible.
Gish // The Smashing Pumpkins

Gish // The Smashing Pumpkins

The record is a rich and gloriously grubby collage of sounds. It stands somewhere between Pixies and Nirvana, with an added injection of psychedelic rock.
Weezer (Blue Album) // Weezer

Weezer (Blue Album) // Weezer

Weezer were unapologetically weird, yet strangely glamorous, which in itself brought a warming message; they showed us that it was cool to be uncool.


All this started as three friends talking about music, and it remains just that - a shared exploration, which we now want to share with you.
Bossanova // Pixies

Bossanova // Pixies

Our first ever review. Reads like it too. In any case, the album can certainly boast a groove, but it lacks the edge of Pixies' best work.