All posts tagged 'miles davis'

Sax on the Beach // Bleeding Gums Murphy
From brotherly estrangement to Fabergéal financial ruin to dental calamity, Bleeding Gums’ soulful howling and gravelly tone is magnificient.

Statsioxide: our first 250 reviews in numbers
After six long, resolutely joyless years we passed another album review milestone. To celebrate here’s a look at some sweet, sweet data.

Elvis Presley // Elvis Presley
A record can be iconic and flawed at the same time. Elvis' desbut is unrefined, hit and miss, and sometimes irresistible. Could it be any other way?

Midnight Marauders // A Tribe Called Quest
Midnight Marauders’ tracklist is an exhibition of seemingly boundless creativity, each track distinct, original, and memorable.

Statsioxide: our first 150 reviews in numbers
Reviews make a lot more sense when they can be put into context. After passing 150 albums reviewed we thought it was high time to look at the statistics.

Kind of Blue // Miles Davis
Each player is a master of their craft, yet not one of them flaunts their talent. Kind of Blue plays out like a beautiful alien language.