Posts tagged "kirk van houten"

Album artwork of 'Can I Borrow a Feeling?' by Kirk Van Houten

Can I Borrow a Feeling? Kirk Van Houten

Van Houten’s first and only studio album is flawed, for sure, but also profoundly personal. After 20+ years of mockery its reputation seems a tad unwarranted.

Collage of the first 150 albums reviewed by Audioxide

Statsioxide: our first 150 reviews in numbers

Reviews make a lot more sense when they can be put into context. After passing 150 albums reviewed we thought it was high time to look at the statistics.

By Frederick O'Brien

Album artwork of 'Meet The Be Sharps' by The Be Sharps

Meet The Be Sharps The Be Sharps

The richest and most melodious harmonisations of four men since John, Mark, Luke, and Matthew collaborated on their bestselling project 2,000 years ago.

Album artwork of 'Sax on the Beach' by Bleeding Gums Murphy

Sax on the Beach Bleeding Gums Murphy

From brotherly estrangement to Fabergéal financial ruin to dental calamity, Bleeding Gums’ soulful howling and gravelly tone is magnificient.