All posts tagged 'kate bush'

Blue Weekend // Wolf Alice
Ellie Rowsell’s drift between spoken-word musings and operatic soarings is alive and well, and the band as a whole is as simpatico as ever - if not moreso.

Statsioxide: our first 250 reviews in numbers
After six long, resolutely joyless years we passed another album review milestone. To celebrate here’s a look at some sweet, sweet data.

For all its instances of greatness and undeniable beauty, MAGDALENE gets tangled in its own pop epic aspirations.

Lover // Taylor Swift
Lover isn’t as expansive as Kate Bush or as daring as St. Vincent, but it is accessible and intelligent, which are the hallmarks of Swift at her best.

Two Suns // Bat for Lashes
While much of the Two Sun's tracklist doesn't feel as though it explores its ideas far enough, its highlights go a long way to make up for it.

Hounds of Love // Kate Bush
That Bush could create something so deliriously weird and wild yet also break through to the mainstream world is great proof of her powers.

Debut // Björk
Björk creates her own identity by combining contrasting into something entirely unique. This broke the mould of what it means to be a new, exciting artist.

Something to Tell You // Haim
An album of inoffensive and enjoyable pop music. With strong instrumentals that step above the norm, the shiny production is actually surplus to requirements.