Latest interviews

Thomas Ashby performing onstage with a guitar

Thomas Ashby: When you’re in a studio that’s your space to be the biggest you you can be.’

Thomas Ashby is a singer/songwriter from Herne Bay. We discuss living together during the time he recorded and released his third EP - 'Backlash'.

By Frederick O'Brien

Blurred photograph of Rob Wilson, aka Colourful Sevens

Colourful Sevens: I love making music by myself I can treat my songs as diary entries.

The Manchester musician talks about his most recent project (Moon), the merits of working alone, and the wisdom of Roger Ebert.

By Frederick O'Brien

Paul Marchesani working in his music studio

Paul Marchesani: I always knew my music was connected in some way.

Paul G. Marchesani is a freelance producer and radio host from Philadelphia who's building a shared musical universe one album at a time.

By Frederick O'Brien

Photograph of American musician Dylan Seeger

Dylan Seeger: Albums take you on journeys that 4-minute singles will never replicate.

Dylan Seeger is a musician and designer living in New York, as is tradition. We talk Claye, the pressures of recording solo, and (sound) circumcision.

By Frederick O'Brien