
XI: Alone at the Microphone
In which the band go to a radio interview.

X: Social Medium
In which followers are on sale.

IX: Believe the Hype
In which postmodern literature finally finds meaning.

VIII: Hazardous
In which we hear the innermost thoughts of the world's most important person.

VII: The Dealer Man Can
In which Bas replenishes his supply of nectar.

VI: What’s in a Name
In which an astonishing lack of imagination is shown by the band, the manager, and the author.

V: The Van
In which Soviet manufacturing holds up surprisingly well.

IV: Good as Gould
In which the band members sign away their children’s inheritances. And their grandchildren’s.

III: 4, 1, 2, 3, 4…
In which the value of a rhythm section quickly becomes clear.

II: Bas
In which a second guitarist is sourced at a local car park.

I: Genesis
In the beginning there was Alan Hazard and Ray O. Sunshine. These were their real names.